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500 miles.  5 days.


From the brick line of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to the Mackinac Bridge in northern Michigan, this 500 mile, 5-day ride offers a unique opportunity for every type of cyclists.

While the Brickyard to Bridge (B2B) is an anticipated experience, our riders commit for a cause greater than community, physical feat or thrill. 

Along with intense training, riders raise funds through pledged donations and corporate sponsorships. These donations fund Youth for Christ's ministry in South Asia—aiding the supply of basic life necessities and supporting continued spread of the Gospel. The 2022 ride will begin on July 1st, and finish in northern Michigan on July 5th.

Pray. Give. Ride.

 How will you be involved?


The entry fee for the 2022 Brickyard to Bridge is $1,500. Riders may self-sponsor or raise funds from others - all donations are tax-deductible.

While on the five day tour, riders can expect to be fully supported by our S.A.G. (Support and Gear) vehicle, providing water, snacks, basic repair tools & first aide. The no-drop group policy means we stop every twenty to twenty-five miles to regroup, refill, and take a brief break–splitting the long days on the saddle into five to seven segments.


Dinner as a group will be available at a local restaurant each evening, with hotel booking provided. For more information on lodging and route, please visit the contact page.

While the B2B is not a professionally organized event, the full five-day tour is not for the ill-equipped. The group will stick together with a no-drop policy, but will expect extensive experience in both group riding as well as physical preparedness. For those who do not have such experience in endurance cycling, we recommend the single day event, the Brickyard 123.


If you are interested in riding the 2022 Brickyard to Bridge, please visit the contact page.


The B2B exists to first and foremost raise funds to support the work of Youth for Christ International (YFCI) in a South Asian country. To learn more about the mission of the B2B, visit our mission page.

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